Concrete energy system transformation – regionally integrated with resource / energy and value added potential
The main objective of the project is to be able to easily survey regional renewable resources, to illustrate them clearly, to optimise their use and to show the (regional) economic and ecological value added.
We create a digital toolbox for the development of integrated energy concepts for local and regional managers and planners with
- A strong energy map software for the localization of measures, e.g. power plants etc. (including the calculation of land requirements and potential energy yields),
- the coupled optimized energy conversion calculator REsys for comparison of demand and application over time and the process network synthesis PNS for the (not only economic) optimization of a technology network,
- integrated energy demand data,
- a standardised communication and process design for the economic implementation of projects involving stakeholders in energy system transformation processes
- new functions for strong local climate models as well as for
- with functions for the determination of costs and benefits and an assessment of the value added of energy system transformation measures from a (regional) economic perspective.
The Consortium:
akaryon – coordinates the project, collaborates on the mathematical models, is responsible for common data structures and develops some of the tools for the toolbox, based on the tool REsys, which was conceived and launched in recent years together with Dr. Günter Wind and Dr. Horst Lunzer, both of whom are also involved in the project.
Strateco OG – introduces the optimization tool PNS and leads the work with the users.
IBBD – will contribute climate models and data.
STUDIA – will provide cost, benefit and value added analyses.
TU Vienna and BOKU Vienna – will contribute data and modelling on the energy supply and demand side as well as know-how in the field of communication and process design.
The project is supported by the FFG in the COIN conveyor rail.
There is the possibility for municipalities, regions, planners, consultants within the framework of this project to participate in workshops, to try out the toolbox or to go through an energy concept development process with it.
If you are interested please contact Petra Busswald from akaryon: