DI Dr. Stefan Kirchweger
Scientific head
+43(0)7582/819 81-92 (office)
Stefan Kirchweger conducts research in the fields of regional and agricultural economics. His research focuses on the economic valuation of environmental services and regional economic cycles, decision-making behavior on farms, the evaluation of agricultural support measures, and the acceptance and economic impact of innovative practices in rural areas, and he has (co-)authored numerous scientific publications.
He studied at the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences in Vienna as well as at the University College Cork in Ireland. In 2010, he received the diploma in the Master’s program in Agricultural and Food Economics and in 2015 he received his PhD in Social and Economic Sciences with distinction. From 2010 to 2018, he worked as a university assistant and as a research associate at the Department of Economics and Social Sciences at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences in Vienna. In February 2019, he started as a project manager at STUDIA in Schlierbach. Since February 2022, he has been the scientific head of the research institute. In parallel, he is the farm manager of a family dairy farm in Molln since the beginning of 2018.
DIin Kathi Klinglmayr
Organisation and Project Assistance
+43(0)7582/819 81-96 (Office)
Kathi Klinglmayr takes care of the office organisation and supports the management. Her project work focuses on sustainable regional development, alpine pasture management and design thinking. She studied landscape planning and landscape architecture at the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences in Vienna and agricultural education at the University of Applied Sciences for Environmental and Agricultural Education in Vienna. Since March 2020, she has been employed as a project assistant at STUDIA in Schlierbach. At the same time, she is a partner in an organic vegetable farm with direct marketing.
DIin Hannah Politor
Project Leader
+43(0)7582/819 81-98 (office)
Hannah Politor’s work focuses on sustainable regional development and participatory and transdisciplinary research. She studied forestry (Bachelor) and environmental and bio-resource management (Master) at the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences in Vienna. She worked in the environmental and sustainability departments of BMW and Schachinger Logistik, project coordinator at the SPES Zukunftsakademie and from 2017 to 2019 project manager at the furniture and timber construction cluster of Business Upper Austria (Upper Austrian location agency). She has been project manager at STUDIA in Schlierbach since February 2019. She is a qualified adult education trainer. She is currently working on her PhD at the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences (Institute of Social Ecology).
Dipl.-Math. Wolfgang Baaske
+43(0)7582/819 81-95 (office)
+43(0)699/181 981 95 (mobile)
Wolfgang Baaske is chairman, director and chief executive of STUDIA, since 2002. He provides a basis for decision making to actors in politics and the economy, and supports his clients and partners by developing new and sustainable solutions to their problems, enlarging the range of success factors, and assuring his advices by scientific methods. Baaske operates with models for societal development that include economic-technical as well as soft variables, like motivation, acceptance, knowledge, and cultural values. He therefore applies methods of product development (QFD), multivariate robust statistics, qualitative observation and evaluation. As a research assistant, Baaske learnt societal systems analysis from Johann Millendorfer (1983-1991) in Laxenburg / Vienna.
Baaske studied Mathematics and Physics at the Albertus Magnus University in Cologne, and graduated as Dipl.-Math. with distinction. He wrote his thesis on numerical solutions of a non-linear differential equation. He attended a Stagiaire Programme at the Institut von Karman de Dynamique des Fluides in Rhode-St-Genese (Belgium) and practiced at the Federal Institute for Highway Engineering, Cologne. He fulfilled the obligatory civic service at the Arbeiterwohlfahrt e.V., Mobiler Sozialer Hilfsdienst. For 18 years he was honorary curator of a protestant parish.
Benchmarks of his success are
• Operation of >150 R&D projects
• Participation in 15 transnational projects, leadership in 7 European projects
• 3 books, many scientific publications