In the project ZEAFOLU (zero emissions from agriculture, forestry and other forms of land use in the Upper Austrian Eisenwurzen and beyond), potential options for action are to be identified on the basis of a biophysical biomass flow model and together with stakeholders, which can be implemented in a zero emissions strategy.
Different land use options (land demand, land use intensity, technology, diet and biomass demand) will be systematically analysed, taking into account effects on biodiversity, national economy and well-being. Such analyses are complex and difficult due to complex trade linkages and the spatial decoupling of production and demand, especially when it comes to drawing concrete conclusions at the small-scale level. For this reason, ZEAFOLU follows a simplified design that systematically links four spatial levels of a zero-emissions land use strategy: (a) the rural region Eisenwurzen, (b) the national level Austria, regionally subdivided; (c) the level of the 28 EU Member States and (d) the global level, subdivided into eleven world regions. The last two levels serve in particular to analyse the significance of international trade flows for achieving the zero net emissions target at the regional level and for Austria as a whole.
Project partner: Institute for Social Ecology, BOKU Wien
Funded by: Austrian Academy of Sciences, Dr. Ignaz- Seipel Platz, 1010 Vienna, Austria
Contact: Stefan Kirchweger